Developed by Jadid Muanas
A. Quantitative
1. Qualitative
research is the one intended to varify/test a theory.
2. It uses numeric
data hence statistic analysis used.
3. Hyphotesis is temporary
answer. It can be taken from theory and previous study. In this case, it
set up in the outside. Eg. “The effectiveness of communicative approach (CA) in
teaching listening skill” here, I will find information on CA and Teaching
Listening skill. Afterwards I have hyphotesis that CA is effective for teaching
listening skill.
4. A
generalisation, there are population and sample
5. Representativeness
6. Fixed reasearch
problem (the problem must be fixed earliar/outside)
a. Variable comes
form the word “vary” and “able” mean something can be change or different.
b. Variable is the
focus of the researh.
c. Variables are
the characteristics of subject of study which tend to be different from one
individual to another. Eg. Age, achievement, weight, hight etc.
d. Variable has to
be measurable.
Types of variable
a. Characteristics
1) Continous variable,
the one which has gradation. Eg. “intelligence”, there are very intelligent,
more intelligent, most intelligent.
2) Descreate
variable, the one which can result in categorical information. Eg. Male vs
female (categorical gender); teacher, army (categorical job occupation).
b. Roles in study
1) Independent
Variable, the which can influence other variables. The effectiveness of communicative
approach (Independent V.) in teaching listening skill.
2) Dependent
variable, the one which is influenced by other variable. Eg. The effectiveness
of communicative approach in teaching listening skil (dependent
3) Intervening variable,
the one which cannot be controlled. Eg. “The achievement of the students” for
intervening variable can be “smart variable took a course”.
Ø Correlation
Reasearch Design
1. To measure the
realtionship between or among variables
Ø Experimental
Reasearch Design
Ø Survey
Research Design
Ø Expost Facto
Research Design
B. Qualitative Research
1. The one
intended to study phenomenon or generate a theory.
2. Using verbal
data (words).
3. Hyphothesis
sets up in the middle data anlysis. It can be exist or not (preferences).
4. Authoritativeness,
the subject is somebody who has authority to object such as expertise.
5. The problem is
flexible, we can change the problem.